# Brian Rose's climate dynamics and modeling group Welcome to the homepage for the Climate Dynamics and Modeling research group housed in the [Department of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences](https://www.albany.edu/daes) at the [University at Albany](https://www.albany.edu)! Here you'll find information and links [about our group](people) and all our activities in [research](research), [teaching](teaching), [outreach](miscellany), and [open-source software](climlab). If you're looking for Brian's complete CV, find it [here on github](https://github.com/brian-rose/CV/blob/master/Rose_CV.pdf). ## Recent news See the [news archives](blog) for a more complete list. ```{postlist} 5 :date: "%Y-%m-%d" :format: "{date} - {title}" :excerpts: ``` ## Website Contents ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 2 people research teaching publications climlab climategroup blog miscellany ```