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Class schedule

Here you can find the subject matter and assigned reading for every class day as well as expected homework dates.

Please check back here frequently as the schedule is subject to change.

The class meets every Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:35 - 11:30 AM in ETEC 482.

The course outline closely follows the chapters in the book A First Course in Atmospheric Thermodynamics by Grant W. Petty, Sundog Publishing, 2008

Note that exact due dates / times are given on Brightspace! The reading assignments are typically due by 11:59 pm the night before we begin covering the material in class.

Table 1:Class schedule

Date (2024)Class No.TopicNotes
8/260Course overview
8/281Math review; Physical Problem SolvingAppendix C response due
8/302Physical Problem Solving; Pressure and hydrostatic balanceAppendix B response due
9/2NO CLASS (Labor Day)
9/43Atmospheric CompositionChapter 1 response due; Assignment 1 handed out
9/64Temperature and observed temperature profiles
9/95Thermodynamic systems and variables (video lecture will be posted on Brightspace)Chapter 2 response due
9/116Example problem 2.3, review of integrating separable equationsAssignment 1 due; Assignment 2 handed out
9/137Equation of state (video lecture will be posted on Brightspace)Chapter 3 response due. No physical class meeting this day
9/168Equation of state for water vapor
9/189Equation of state for moist air
9/2010Specific humidity and mixing ratioAssignment 2 due; Assignment 3 handed out
9/2311Virtual temperature and buoyancy
9/2512Ideal gas expansion laboratory demo
9/2713Hydrostatic balance (a more careful look)Assignment 3 due
9/3014Masses of air vs water columns; Estimating the height of ETEC from pressure measurementsChapter 4 response due.
10/215Homework review
10/717Altitude dependence of g; Geopotential height
10/918Midterm solutions
10/1119Thickness and the hypsometric equationAssignment 4 handed out
10/14NO CLASS (Fall break)
10/1620Idealized temperature and pressure profiles
10/1821Standard Atmosphere and altimeter settingsAssignment 4 due
10/2122Pressure-Volume workChapter 5 response due
10/2323The First Law of thermodynamicsAssignment 5 handed out
10/2524Adiabatic processes and potential temperature
10/2825Dry adiabatic lapse rate
10/3026Enthalpy, cyclic processes and work on a Skew-T diagram
11/127Reversibility, entropy and the Second LawAssignment 5 due; Chapter 6 response due.
11/428Water vapor saturation and dewpointsReading response due for Chapter 7, part 1 (7.1 through 7.6)
11/629Midterm exam review
11/1131Latent heat and example saturation problems
11/1332The Clausius-Clapeyron Equation (introduction)Assignment 6 handed out
11/1533The Clausius-Clapeyron Equation (details)
11/1834Vapor lines and Lifting Condensation LevelReading response due for Chapter 7, part 2 (7.7 through 7.10)
11/2035The Moist Adiabatic Lapse Rate
11/2236Equivalent potential temperature, wet bulb temperature and applicationsAssignment 6 due; Assignment 7 handed out
11/2537Dry Static Stability
11/27NO CLASS (Thanksgiving break)
11/29NO CLASS (Thanksgiving break)
12/238Brunt-Väisäila frequencyReading response due for Chapter 8. Assignment 7 due.
12/439Conditional and potential instability
12/640CIN and CAPE
12/941Pre-exam review Q&ALAST DAY OF CLASSES

FINAL EXAM Tuesday December 17 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm (per the University exam calendar