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The Climate Laboratory
The Climate Laboratory
About this Book
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1. Climate models, the global energy budget, and Fun with Python
2. Modeling the global energy budget
Advanced topic: Analytical solution of the global Energy Balance Model
3. The climate system and climate models
4. Introducing the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
5. Building simple climate models using climlab
6. A Brief Review of Radiation
7. Elementary greenhouse models
Advanced topic: Solving the two-layer grey gas model analytically with sympy
8. Grey radiation modeling with climlab
9. Modeling non-scattering radiative transfer
10. Who needs spectral bands? We do. Some baby steps…
11. Radiative Equilibrium
12. Radiative-Convective Equilibrium
13. Climate sensitivity and feedback
Advanced topic: Climate sensitivity and feedback
14. Examing the transient and equilibrium CO2 response in the CESM
15. Toy models of transient warming
16. Clouds and cloud feedback
17. Insolation
18. Orbital variations, insolation, and the ice ages
19. Heat transport
Advanced topic: Heat transport decomposition
20. The one-dimensional energy balance model
21. Modeling the seasonal cycle of surface temperature
22. A peek at numerical methods for diffusion models
23. Ice-albedo feedback and Snowball Earth in the EBM
Advanced topic: Ice albedo feedback in the EBM
Advanced topic: Snowball Earth and Large Ice Cap Instability in the EBM
24. The surface energy balance
25. Land-Ocean contrasts under climate change
26. Water, water everywhere!
About the assignments
Assignment: Climate change in the zero-dimensional EBM
Assignment: Global average budgets in the CESM pre-industrial control simulation
Additional hints and guidance for CESM budgets assignment
Assignment: Clouds in the Leaky Greenhouse Model
Assignment: Feedbacks in the Radiative-Convective Model
Assignment: Climate change in the CESM simulations
Assignment: Insolation and orbital parameters